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Suriname: Police seize more than 3,000 kilos of cocaine

March 8, 2024

PARAMARIBO, Suriname, CMC – The judicial authorities in Suriname have seized more than 3,000 kilos of cocaine during two separate operations earlier this week.

The authorities said that in the first instance on Wednesday, a plane belonging to the national carrier, Surinam Airways, was searched prior to its departure for the Netherlands.

The Combating International Drug Team (BID Team), which is specially deployed to investigate drug trafficking at the airport, said that the drugs were hidden in 17 boxes.

Suriname has also been combatting the problem of cocaine being concealed among vegetables exported to the Netherlands.

In the second incident, the authorities said that more than 2,415 kg of cocaine was seized in Nickerie on the border with Guyana.

They said the drugs were found at a warehouse following a fire.

The cargo was then transferred to the local police headquarters under heavy security.

the authorities did not give a dollar value for the drugs, nor did they say whether anyone had been detained in connection with the discoveries.

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