September 17, 2024

Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

The most credible news source in Barbados

Use of cell phones in schools to be reviewed

September 12, 2024

The Ministry of Education will examine the issue of the use of cell phones in schools.

That’s according to Minister of Education Kay McConney who tells CBC News the matter is one the Ministry and stakeholders would have to discuss at the round table.

Several countries around the world are banning cell phone use in schools, and President of the Barbados Union of Teachers Rudy Lovell says he believes Barbados should follow suit.

Meanwhile, President of the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union Mary Redman says while some people may argue there is a place for cell phone usage to enhance the teaching learning process, it must happen under controlled circumstances.

However, she says cell phone use in schools has been causing issues and is a matter that requires attention.

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