September 24, 2024

Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

The most credible news source in Barbados

Suki 4th in World Blitz

September 24, 2024

Former world champion, veteran Barbados draughts player Ronald ‘Suki’ King, finished in fourth position in the Blitz World Draughts Championships in Germany.

Losing only two games to Canada’s Lorne Wells for a 1-3 scoreline, and then to Italy’s Mateo Bernini, also at 1-3, King finished with 25 points.

Bernini was the winner with 29 points having won all of his games.

Meanwhile, at the end of the second round of play in the Checkers Festival Korbach, also in Germany, King is in 15th position on four points.

Fellow Barbadian Kent Layne is right behind him in 16th on the same score, while another Barbadian, Colin Price, is in 19th position on two points.

There is one more round of matches to be played.

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