September 19, 2024

Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

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Police Commissioner issues statement on City shooting

September 14, 2024

Police say they are determined to bring the perpetrators of the early morning shooting in Nelson Street, the City to justice and have asked for the public’s help in providing any information on the incident.

The shooting, which occurred in the early hours of this morning, left three people dead, and 8 others nursing various injuries.

In a statement Commissioner of Police Richard Boyce described the act as a heinous attack.

Here is his full statement:

“About 01:55 hours this morning, a number of persons were patronizing a Bar at Nelson Street, the City, when three masked men entered the said Bar whilst being armed with firearms and discharged a number of shots which resulted in the senseless and unfortunate death of three of the patrons and various injuries to eight other persons who were inside the Bar. The Police visited the scene and are currently conducting investigations into that incident. The Police are determined to have those culprits brought to justice for this heinous attack on persons who were violently ambushed while enjoying a night out. We are in the early stages of dealing with this matter and are soliciting the assistance of any member of the public who may have any information that may help us with our intent to arrest those persons who are responsible for this shooting incident. We in the Barbados Police Service offer our collective sympathy to the families and relatives of those persons who have lost their loved ones and we wish those persons who have been injured a full and speedy recovery.”

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