September 19, 2024

Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

The most credible news source in Barbados

More women becoming beekeepers

September 19, 2024

More women are becoming beekeepers, as officials at the Ministry of Agriculture push for a thriving apriculture industry capable of producing honey to supply local supermarkets.

That’s according to Senior Agricultural Assistant with Responsibility for Apriculture Bernard Thompson who says of the 21 people that graduated from a beekeeping course hosted by the Ministry in July, almost half were females.

He was speaking during the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s donation of fifty thousand dollars in equipment and supplies to the Ministry to be used by local beekeepers.

Mr. Bernard says while there is currently a list of persons interested in participating in the next beekeeping course, those in the industry are reminded that it is mandatory for them to take their honey to the ministry to be tested.

Among the donated items are suits, start-up kits, personal protective equipment, smokers, cutting tools, frames, wax foundations, buckets and pails, as well as one extractor.

Value Chain Expert and Project Coordinator with the FAO, Vermaran Extavour says the equipment and supplies are donated as part of the building effective resilience for human security in the Caribbean programme, funded by the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security.

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