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Taylor Casey was last seen around Paradise Island on June 19, police in the Bahamas say. (Courtesy Casey Family via CNN Newsource)

Bahamas: FBI assisting in case of missing US woman

June 30, 2024

NASSAU, Bahamas, CMC – The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) has sought assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the ongoing search for Taylor Casey, an American woman who went missing here last week.

The authorities said Casey, 41, from Chicago, Illinois, travelled to the Bahamas to attend the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Center on Paradise Beach and was last seen on June 19.

Casey’s mother, Colette Seymore, told US television network, CBS News, that she last heard from her daughter on June 18.

Employees from the retreat reported her missing last Thursday after she failed to attend some classes and police said they found Casey’s cell phone in the ocean near Paradise Island and have questioned several people.

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe confirmed the FBI’s involvement in the search for Casey stating that “They (the FBI) have made an extensive survey of the entire area using the drone technology that they have.

“I know they have used technology with regards to the cell phone of the individual. I know that they have interviewed people. I know they have met with a representative of the US government.”

Munroe said at this phase of the investigation, the FBI is only providing advice to the Bahamas police and expressed the hope that they will share everything they can to aid in the search for Casey.

“We have engaged the resources of our law enforcement. We have gotten assistance from the law enforcement agency of the individual’s own country,” Munroe said, dismissing criticism that police are not doing enough to locate Casey.

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