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Free forum providing financial expertise

April 19, 2023

Free forum providing financial expertise

The need for investment strategies to reflect a changing financial and global landscape will take centre stage at the 11th Annual Fortress Investment Forum being held next week.

The Forum, the first to be held in person since the COVID-19 pandemic, will be held under the theme: “Investment Strategies for Changing Times” on Tuesday, April 25, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Frank Collymore Hall.

It is a free event open to Fortress Investors and the wider public.

Attendees will receive updates from the Fortress’ Investment team on the regional and global investment markets as well as the performance and outlook for Fortress’ range of Barbados and US dollar funds.

There will also be a candid question-and-answer session for the audience where the Fortress team will explore current investment issues in more detail.

Investment Director at Fortress, Roger Cave says the forum would be particularly useful for investors and potential investors seeking to better understand what has changed since COVID-19.

The need for investment strategies to reflect a changing financial and global landscape will take centre stage at the 11th Annual Fortress Investment Forum being held next week.

The Forum, the first to be held in person since the COVID-19 pandemic, will be held under the theme: “Investment Strategies for Changing Times” on Tuesday, April 25, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Frank Collymore Hall.

It is a free event open to fortress investors and the wider public.

Attendees will receive updates from the Fortress’ Investment team on the regional and global investment markets as well as the performance and outlook for Fortress’ range of Barbados and US dollar funds.

There will also be a candid question-and-answer session for the audience where the Fortress team will explore current investment issues in more detail.

Investment Director at Fortress, Roger Cave says the forum would be particularly useful for investors and potential investors seeking to better understand what has changed since COVID-19.

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