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PM Mottley pays tribute to the late Philip ‘Jimmy’ Serrao

July 7, 2024

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has paid tribute “to a dear friend, professional colleague and invaluable supporter and resource of the Barbados Labour Party, Sir Philip Serrao”.

The Prime Minister stressed that the attorney-at-law who was better known to many as “Jimmy,” “had no match” as it relates to knowledge of electoral law and practices in Barbados.

The full statement from the Prime Minister follows:

It is with a deep sense of sadness that I today pay tribute to a dear friend, professional colleague and invaluable supporter and resource of the Barbados Labour Party, Sir Philip Serrao — better known to many as “Jimmy”.

Anyone who had even a passing relationship with him would know that he was a kind and quietly generous individual — but frank, straight forward, honest and a man to his word — disciplines that, I am told, date back to his days as a dedicated footballer with Carlton Club.

What I never needed anyone to tell me though, was that when it came to knowledge of electoral law and practices in Barbados, he had no match, and that is perhaps why his decision making during the 15 years he spend as Chairman of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission (1995-2010) has never been subject to rancour.

Sir Philip was a virtual walking encyclopedia on elections and electoral matters, so much so that for several elections his seminars served as a critical guide to the party’s polling clerks, agent and other operatives.

Without doubt, Sir Philip had a keen understanding of the social history of Barbados, and this, combined with his knowledge of the conduct of elections and the laws and practices that govern them, made him an indispensable resource to the party’s leadership and election candidates over the years.

As an attorney-at-law and senior partner with the highly respected firm of Fitzwilliam, Stone and Alcazar, he built an enviable practice in non-contentious corporate law that was buttressed by what was described as “a winning personality”.

In fact, this endearing personality allowed members of the party, big and small, to seek and freely receive his advice. For his outstanding contribution to the BLP and the country he was a most worthy recipient of the Grantley Adams Award.

On behalf of the family of the Barbados Labour Party, the Government and people of Barbados, I extend sincere condolence to the family of Sir Philip. We will miss him.
May his soul rest in peace.

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