September 20, 2024

Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

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Positive response to mini libraries project

April 23, 2024

Children have been responding positively to the Little Libraries project, which is intended to reverse the decline in literacy in Barbados.

Managing Director of the Prince Godwill D Fomusoh Foundation (PGDFF) Caribbean Inc, Anita Sundaram, said there are reports that children are reading the books.

She was speaking at the launch of the Little Library at the Clapham Resource Centre where Barbadian authors Dr. Zoanne Evans and Mario Herbert donated books to the cause.

Thus far, libraries have been launched at eight community centres and an additional two at the Ann Hill School and the Barbados Child Care Board’s Shelley’s Cottage.

The project, called ‘Barbados Is Blooming’ involves the PDGFF, the Massy Foundation, the Community Development Department, and the Barbados Community College.

The first phase of the project is valued at $125,000 and when finished fifteen mini libraries will be established across Barbados.

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