September 20, 2024

Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

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QEH awarded Gold accreditation

August 19, 2023

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital has been awarded a Gold accreditation for demonstrating a commitment to providing quality health care and other services.

This after participating in the Qmentum International Accreditation process conducted by Accreditation Canada in June this year.

According to a statement from Chief Operations Officer at the QEH, Dr. Christine Greenidge, the hospital met 96% of the standards associated with compliance of the Gold accreditation, 90% of the standards associated with the Platinum accreditation and 66% of the standards associated with the Diamond accreditation.

She attributed this to the hospital’s leadership, commitment of staff, and the organisation-wide quest for improvement.

Accreditation Canada previously conducted a survey at the QEH seven years ago in 2016. In that assessment, the average compliance was 80%.

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