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Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

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Crackdown on PSV bad behaviour

February 3, 2023

Transport authorities and public service vehicle operators say they’re now on the same page in the fight to stamp out bad behaviour by PSV drivers.

This is among a number of issues thrashed out during a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister, Santia Bradshaw, transport officials and stakeholders in the industry in the Conference Room of the Barbados Water Authority this afternoon.

After the hours long meeting Ms. Bradshaw, who is also Transport Minister, gave the media details of some of the agreements, while announcing plans for new Transport Authority regulations to govern the sector.

She’s confident the new regulations, soon to be before Cabinet for approval, will address indiscipline among PSV drivers and other issues in that regard.

The Deputy Prime Minister also assures there will be a greater level of enforcement once the Transport Authority regulations takes effect.

That enforcement will mean jobs for more transport inspectors.

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